Thursday, March 13, 2008

profound inaction!!!

Finally I happen to decide on my specialisations. The uncertainty principle I have been adopting to decide on my career choices has a classic culmination in specialisation decision. The irony is that I followed the approach I so love to hate:selection by elimination. I find myself to be a big mismatch for marketing; HR and systems are out of question; strategy has too much of CP at stake; and so only option available to me are Fin and Ops. Someone even pointed out that this maynot be the best method, but still God has always given me no choices. Now after deciding on the specialisation, it is time to choose elective: another thing asking for herculean effort from me. With electives I need to decide on concentrations. This chain reaction of interrelated problem seems to have no end. I take an easy road and select what were selected by others and I pray they had a sound reasoning for selecting those courses. For the first time in my life I am dependent on how wise others have been. I want to peep into the future to find out if I am correct but I guess the road to future for me has to be through mysterious journey in the present. Surely, I will get to know the results of my indecision sometime, and it better not be too bad.